Bluefin tuna swimmingRestoration work in the Open Ocean Restoration Area focuses on restoring the living marine resources and their services that were injured by the spill. The Open Ocean Trustee Implementation Group, comprised of the federal trustees, works together to restore wide-ranging and migratory species, including birds, Gulf sturgeon, fish and water column invertebrates, sea turtles, marine mammals, and deep-sea coral communities.

We work to restore these species throughout their life stages and geographic ranges, including inland, coastal, and offshore areas. Therefore, we may use some funds for restoration outside of the Gulf of Mexico. We coordinate with state trustees, especially when proposed projects overlap their jurisdictions.

Together, we develop project-specific restoration plans that are consistent with the programmatic restoration plan (see chart below). As part of the restoration planning process, we accept restoration project ideas from the public. The public also has the opportunity to review and comment on proposed project-specific restoration plans for the Open Ocean Restoration Area. Once plans are approved, we begin implementation and monitoring of the selected projects.