
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group released its Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment #2: Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities (PDF, 320 pgs) which describes and selects projects intended to restore for lost recreational use opportunities caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

The Final Recreational Use Plan #2 re-allocates funds originally dedicated to the Louisiana Marine Fisheries Enhancement, Research, and Science Center Early Restoration project, which is not moving forward because of feasibility issues arising in the planning process. Those funds are being proposed for reallocation to fund other restoration projects in the Final Recreational Use Plan #2.

Included are $22 million in selected projects emphasizing the creation and enhancement of recreational fishing infrastructure, providing more opportunities and access to recreational fishing, and educational and outreach promoting use and stewardship of natural resources.

The Draft Recreational Use Plan #2 was released on December 20, 2017. The Louisiana TIG hosted a public meeting on January 24, 2018, in New Orleans, and the public comment period closed on February 2, 2018.

The Draft Recreational Use Plan #2 proposed four restoration projects. In response to public comments, the Louisiana Trustees released proposed modifications to the Elmer’s Island Access Project in the Draft Supplemental Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Elmer’s Island Access Project Modification.

The Elmer’s Island Project Modification was released on May 21, 2018 and a public meeting was held on May 22, 2018, in New Orleans. The public comment period for the Elmer’s Island Project Modification closed on June 20, 2018.

The Louisiana Trustees considered the public comments received on both the Draft Recreational Use Plan #2 and the Elmer’s Island Project Modification to inform analysis and selection of the restoration projects in the Final Recreational Use Plan #2.

Additional information and materials:

Final Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment #2: Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities

PDF, 320 pgs

Fact Sheet (English) 

PDF, 2 pgs

Fact Sheet (Vietnamese/tiếng việt) - Coming soon

PDF, 2 pgs


Learn about Louisiana's Final Restoration Plan #4, released around the same time.>